
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday, 6.21.2012

Paralette hspu

3 rds "Dt"
12 deadlifts
9 hang power clean
6 push jerk
(m: 155; w: 115)


Gigi said...

DT Rx is 5 rounds

Conor Foley said...

I know, that's why I put 3rds dt and not just dt. Need to keep the wod under 10 min, working on time and volume intervals to make sure nobody gets overtrained

Gigi said...

Parallete HSPU - Fail

DT scaled (5 rounds 135#) - 11:26 (last time 14:24)