
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday, 1.26.2012

Max Effort

Snatch Balance 1 rm



30 Full Squat Snatch

(M: 125 W: 85)

Some important mobility work to do prior to wod if position is hard for you

http://youtu.be/q0Elx93duAA (#2 primarily)

http://youtu.be/LzAbglv7jyA (#1)

Roll out calves and plantar fascia in feet, then hold static calf stretches for 2 minutes.



Gigi said...

NorCal 40s practice

warmup :
1 mile run with 20# vest

snatch balance 1RM - 130# (PR)

WOD - followed the NorCal 40s format:
every failed attempt do 20 DU

got 5 legit squat snatches @ 125# + 2 failed attempts

Squat Snatch 1RM - 130# (PR)

Gigi said...

Snatch Balance 1RM - 135# (PR)

NorCal 40s 3rd WOD

7 min AMRAP
7 CTB pullups
10 push press with 40# DB
10 KB swing 1.5 pood

3 rounds + 7 CTB pullups + 1 push press