
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, 8.22.2012

So here is the scoop... Currently we are looking for an instructor for the 4pm Monday and Friday as well as the Tuesday at 6pm because right now nobody can cover it, this is temporary! As a result now all CrossFit members will be able to check out the CrossFit key at the DAC front desk, just like you would if you were getting a lock for a locker. I will make sure that I am posting the WODs a day ahead of time along with the best youtube demonstrations I can find. If I can help in anyway please let me know. Post questions to comments and I will address any of your concerns. If you feel like this program can no longer meet your needs I do understand but I am always available for coaching on the side during weekends.
12 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Snatch
6 Overhead Squats
(M: 115 ; W: 75)

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