
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Friday, 9.7.2012

Max Effort
3x max rep strictest pullups you can manage

new take on Tabata
Side Shuffle over box (M: 18" ; W:12)
Db Push Press (M: 25 ; W: 15)
Goblet Squat (M: 40 ; W: 20)
Each movement is a station, during your 10 second rest you will move stations. Completion of all three movements constitutes a round, you will do three rounds before resting a full minute. You will then complete 3 more rounds and rest a full 2 minutes. You will then complete 3 more rounds and then the workout is over.

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