
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wednesday, 1.18.2011

Max Effort
Bent Over Row 3x10

5 rds
5 Deadlifts
15 Toe 2 Bars
(M: 275 W: 185)

If you are a more advanced lifter I want you to follow this weightlifting template from now on. Skill work is recommended post WOD. If you do the warmup and WOD with this expect your workouts to last about an hour and a half

Max Effort Monday-Tuesday
Monday: Back Squat, Front Squat: 3x5
Skill: Pistol 20 each leg and use assistance
Tuesday: Bench Press, Bent Over Row 3x5
Skill: TGU with barbell work to 1rm

Tempo Thursday-Friday
Thursday: Back Squat, Front Squat 8x3 with 60 sec rest btw at 60-70% 1rm~do Fs before Bs
Skill: GHD Situps 50
Friday: Bench Press, Bent Over Row 8x3 with 60 sec rest btw at 60-70%
Skill: Rope Climb 3x


Jordan said...

I found out how to post comments!!! Haha. Yeah!

Jorgen said...

Sorry for missing this evening's class 6PM'ers!! I was in a meeting, discussing data that didn't end until about 6:15pm.

Jorgen said...

For registering for Tough Mudder, did anyone have to chose the additional insurance for $15 to proceed?