
This is a blog dedicated to self improvement through responsibly programmed workouts, clean eating and surrounding yourself with motivated individuals.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Monday, 3.5.2012

Max Effort

5 min Kb Swing variations



12 mins, every min on the min

5/8 Burpees

20 Side to Side hurdles

*5 or 8 per minute, you decide





Greg said...

Bench 3 sets of 5. 225, 235, 245
Row. 185, 205, 205

WOD. 8 burpees per round. Average 30 sec per round.

Gigi said...

40 x 2 pood KB swings, american (PR)

Also Turkish get up with 2 pood (1 each side)

The swings made me really tired

8 burpees - rounds 1,2 and 8
5 burpee - rounds 3 through 7

Jorgen said...

WOD change up

10-15 wallball @ 20#
5 pullups - change grip every set (standard, supine, mixed)