5 rds
30 Kb Swings
50 Box Jumps
100 Double Unders
(M: 1.5 pd ; W: 1pd)
Intense Workouts, Joint Mobility, Paleo, Health, and Wellness in Davis, California
So we are now doing 2 teams for both norcal tough mudder races. This is the info for the lake tahoe one
TEAM: DAC Attacks Tahoe
Pass: DACTahoe2012
this is on Sept 22nd
Max Effort
Bench Press 5rm
Amrap 12
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Push Press
10 Burpees
(M: 115 ; W: 80)
7 min Amrap
7 CTB Pullups
10 DB Push Press
10 Kb Swing
(M: 40, 2pd W: 25, 1pd)
Max Effort
Snatch Balance 1 rm
30 Full Squat Snatch
(M: 125 W: 85)
Some important mobility work to do prior to wod if position is hard for you
http://youtu.be/q0Elx93duAA (#2 primarily)
http://youtu.be/LzAbglv7jyA (#1)
Roll out calves and plantar fascia in feet, then hold static calf stretches for 2 minutes.